Thursday 3 January 2013

A friend with weed is a friend indeed

ARGH! First off, I need to get writing these on the right dates, as I seem to be behind a day on here. So I am going to have to do two posts on the 3rd to catch me up.

Well, to begin this post properly I cannot begin to describe how angry I am at the moment with the amount of so called friends that don't acknowledge that I exist, as well as my boyfriends friends who seem to be repeat offenders of not inviting us to any events that they have.

The other week I got a text of one of these "friends" asking me if I wanted to meet them as they were going out. To my surprise I got to the pub and there was only two of them there, which got me thinking "have they only invited me because there is no one else out". This was a most definite yes, as it wasn't the first time this has happened. I should of really learnt before...

These people were my high school friends, who accepted me as "one of their own" after a major fall out with the old friends. I did pretty much everything with them and loved every minute of it, then I went to college. They all stayed at high school to do sixth form together so obviously I grew apart from them. We still spoke but not as often.

As the years went on I pretty much didn't hear from any of them, I did try to contact them but they were always busy or couldn't be bothered or went out when i had to work.

So anyway, at this recent night out I got the usual "where have you been" well I've been sat at home whilst you all go out together. "why do you never come out" because you never have the decency to ask me to. "we should totally do something together sober" well you never stick to what you say.

So yes, I give up with you lot. And that is that.

Also having problems with another bunch of friends, which is a very similar story.

I refuse to even give the tinyest shit about these people, I am sick of being OK with it all. As shitty as that sounds, I am not a doormat.

But I am happy to say that I have the most amazing boyfriend, who spends as much time with me as he can. Who I will be going to Canada with in 173 days. And who I would happily spend all my time with as he never ever lets me down. I also have a great best friend, who I really need to see more. I love her to bits.

Natalie x

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