Wednesday 23 January 2013


Quite a busy day today, doing my Jelly Belly Banner assignment.

Currently looking for suitable typefaces for it, the going on to doing some thumbnail sketches then so on and so forth, hopefully I will have this one finished by tonight.

Then I have another two assignments to do, but I have till Tuesday 9 am to hand them in so I need to hurry up and try not to make many plans in the next few days, I also need to get up early and get them done.

I have also started one of them shake diets, forgot the name but it is the Asda own brand one and the pre-made shakes are nice, but the ones you mix yourself are odd as hell. Hopefully this will work for me and kick start my diet process/ weight loss. I want to be 9 stone by my 21st in December.

I also received one of two books I ordered today, I hope the other one comes tomorrow or I will not be happy, It was supposed to come today as it has next day delivery on it.... Oh well. I can only hope.
The book I got today was Tattoo Darling by Angelique Houtkamp, some nice source material for tattoos or even drawings. I'll probably get my water colours out soon and have a go at her painting style... God help me.

Right break over, back to work now.

Natalie x

Monday 21 January 2013


Well it snowed last night causing my home town to be absolute chaos, but still college didn't close, so we decided to just man it out and go in anyway.

What really bugs me is, when your friends don't text you to ask if you've got the day off, if you want to go out with them. What else is that they said they wouldn't be like the other people that just brushed you off for someone new, more attractive and whatever else friend they are.

Totally giving up on the friend thing now, I'm not even sure you're supposed to have friends at my age and I also really don't know how you're supposed to keep friends anymore.

I feel dull and boring and feel like in some way I'm not good enough to be friends with, everyone I went to school with still keep in touch with one another they all have their friend groups and yet I'm stuck on my own most of the time.

Even though I have a boyfriend, it would also be nice to have some other friends. I've spent too long wishing for that to happen, everyone seems to go off me.

Maybe I should ask these people what's up with me, maybe i am dull and boring. Or maybe people just don't like me.

Whatever it is, it's getting me down and I don't think I want to go through it with a different bunch of people again.

I know nobody wants me or needs me around.

This sucks

Wednesday 16 January 2013

16th jan

Well today has been quite a productive day, got my laptop charger sorted for college so I can take it in on Monday.
I have been to the gym and had a good session.

I have also been into town to HMV seeing as though it could be closing down, I am so gutted about it. Usually j go in then and end up spending way too much money.

I have also ordered myself a CSS and HTML book along with a 1 terabyte hard drive so I can finally sort my laptop out.

Now I'm dying my hair a chocolatey brown colour and then going for a drive with my friend who I haven't really seen in a while.

Suppose I should get some college work done tonight aswell, seen as though I have tonnes to do.

Natalie x

Sunday 13 January 2013

snOW dear.

I realise I have already failed my promise by not keeping up to the regularly enough.

Although I am pretty busy at the moment putting loads of things on eBay trying to make a bit of spare cash for my trip to Canada in June.

I also haven't been keeping up with my drawing a day so I will have to catch up with that on Monday, or try and do at least 14 drawings/ sketches.

Unfortunately being from the part of the United Kingdom that I am, we don't get real snow and it rarely settles meaning the forecast of snow basically just means rain. I wish we got proper snow for a change, I really just want to go have a snowball fight the go home for a toastie warm cup of tea and a snuggle. But no I shall have to make do with the crap we call snow, and that's snow joke!

Tonight I am putting bits and bobs on eBay which you can find by searching the user name natalieelizabeth17 on there. Plenty of women's clothes, shoes and accessories. Most starting at 99p

Must dash and get this sorted put anyway.

Natalie x

Monday 7 January 2013

7th January 2013

Today was my first day back at the gym, I already feel better for going as my mood is on a high at the moment! Although uni work is getting me down a bit as some of it seems very forced and annoying.

Hopefully in the next year and a half I will have a decent job either at home or with a small company whom I enjoy working with, making a nice bit of cash and actually enjoy what I am doing. Instead of being stuck with a shelf stacking job at a super market, that has a rubbish wage and not enough hours. I also want united to hurry up and finish, really really bad.

I hate waiting for the post man, I am waiting for my new hat and a day of the dead corkscrew (sounds silly I know, but I can take it to my home when I move out wahoo).
I hope they both come tomorrow.

I'm now going to go to bed and have myself a good sleep for a change.

Natalie x

Saturday 5 January 2013


Well, its nearly the end of the first week in January.
I have already nearly spent all of my wage for this month, I keep forgetting how close it is until I goto Canada with the chap.
Suppose I need to start saving some more money up, I still need to pay for my flights!

However I have bought some lovely new shoes in the Topshop sale, they cost me £7 instead of £20... BARGAIN!
I think I am going to treat myself to a new phone, this means cancelling my contract with orange next week, hopefully I will be able to sort this out when my student loan comes in. o2 seem to have a better deal on the phone that I want, I should probably shop around first though. And find out how much it is to cancel the contract and how long I'll have to go without having a phone!

Only a short post, as I have to get some revision in tonight and tomorrow before my exam on Monday. Fingers crossed that I do OK on it...

Natalie x

Thursday 3 January 2013

A friend with weed is a friend indeed

ARGH! First off, I need to get writing these on the right dates, as I seem to be behind a day on here. So I am going to have to do two posts on the 3rd to catch me up.

Well, to begin this post properly I cannot begin to describe how angry I am at the moment with the amount of so called friends that don't acknowledge that I exist, as well as my boyfriends friends who seem to be repeat offenders of not inviting us to any events that they have.

The other week I got a text of one of these "friends" asking me if I wanted to meet them as they were going out. To my surprise I got to the pub and there was only two of them there, which got me thinking "have they only invited me because there is no one else out". This was a most definite yes, as it wasn't the first time this has happened. I should of really learnt before...

These people were my high school friends, who accepted me as "one of their own" after a major fall out with the old friends. I did pretty much everything with them and loved every minute of it, then I went to college. They all stayed at high school to do sixth form together so obviously I grew apart from them. We still spoke but not as often.

As the years went on I pretty much didn't hear from any of them, I did try to contact them but they were always busy or couldn't be bothered or went out when i had to work.

So anyway, at this recent night out I got the usual "where have you been" well I've been sat at home whilst you all go out together. "why do you never come out" because you never have the decency to ask me to. "we should totally do something together sober" well you never stick to what you say.

So yes, I give up with you lot. And that is that.

Also having problems with another bunch of friends, which is a very similar story.

I refuse to even give the tinyest shit about these people, I am sick of being OK with it all. As shitty as that sounds, I am not a doormat.

But I am happy to say that I have the most amazing boyfriend, who spends as much time with me as he can. Who I will be going to Canada with in 173 days. And who I would happily spend all my time with as he never ever lets me down. I also have a great best friend, who I really need to see more. I love her to bits.

Natalie x

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy new year!

Well, I thought I would delete everything from this blog and start again, new year new start. You know a blank page to start fresh. I will keep up to this and I will stick to everything I said I would do.

I've just go to remember that things won't magically happen over night and I need to make the effort.

Things that I will be doing this year are:
Getting fit and losing weight
Reading a lot more
Studying hard
Enjoying the littler things
A drawing a day

That's what my goals are for now, I'm not aiming too high, I need to prove that I can do these few things first.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and new year.

You will be hearing a lot more from me,

Natalie x